Kaelis World S.L. is passionately motivated by the needs of our clients and by the high-quality products and services we offer. Our company is committed to achieving high customer satisfaction rates and to implementing continuous improvement in our Quality Management System (QMS).
Our Policy aims:
Keep an active agreement with our customers to provide onboard solutions for the travel industry, by helping them: reduce costs, improve their quality of service and competitiveness and minimise risks.
All customers are provided with exceptional service. We will always offer a product that meets our customers’ quality and technical requirements.
Ensure that equality is promoted within our company, so that all employees have equal opportunities, while working as a solid team. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy is deeply embedded in our management system and it is also an integral part of our company’s daily activity. It aims not only at safeguarding the interests of our clients, but also those of our staff, partners and the environment in which Kaelis operates.
Lead the onboard service market as the preferred supplier, while promoting innovation and continuous improvement of our QMS.
Integrity is one of our most important values: we are ethical, transparent and honest about what we do. We act according to the highest environmental protection, safety and legal compliance standards. In addition, we respect the differences and we inspire trust by taking responsibility for our actions and matching our behaviour to our words.
Sound financial sustainability and value creation are also pillars of our Quality Policy to ensure its perpetuity in time and to continue to fulfil our customers commitments.
Renival Oliveira, CEO